
Schedule Your Annual Furnace Inspection Now

August 15, 2022

Before you know it, it will be time for pumpkin pie, cold starry nights, and the age-old game of thermostat tug-o-war. You may not be ready to switch on your furnace just yet, but Kinder Heating and Air can make sure your heating system will run as efficiently and safely as possible when the temperature outside plummets. The last thing you want is for your furnace to stop working in the middle of winter.

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Heat Gain Prevention

Heat Gain Prevention Tips

July 18, 2022

When you are in the middle of summer, it can be difficult to keep heat out of your Fayetteville home even if you have your central air conditioning system going full blast. Our team at Kinder Heating and Air wants to help you prevent heat from building up inside your home as much as possible so that your air conditioner can be more effective and efficient. Here are some tips to consider.

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Energy Bills

5 Ways to Save Money on Your AC and Summer Energy Bill

June 18, 2022

We understand high energy bills are sometimes unavoidable when air conditioning is crucial for comfort during the hot months. That’s why our five simple tips for staying cool and using your air conditioner (AC) less may help you cut costs and save money on your monthly energy bill.

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IAQ Humidity

How Can You Manage Your Home’s Humidity?

May 17, 2022

Indoor humidity is a drag. It makes relaxing extremely difficult—after all, you are sweating inside your home! It can affect your health, triggering asthma attacks and flaring allergies. It tends to put everyone in a sluggish mood—even the goldfish. Let’s zap that excess moisture right out of the room, and look at ways to manage your Arkansas home’s relative indoor humidity.

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AC Maintenance

Why Do I Need AC Maintenance Now?

April 14, 2022

An air conditioner (AC), just like a car, needs regular maintenance and service to run efficiently. At Kinder Heating and Air, we recommend getting your air conditioning unit serviced and cleaned at least once a year. The optimum time is in the spring to ensure your system will run with the most efficiency during the hottest summer months. You need to be able to rely on your air conditioner for your comfort here in Bethel Heights.

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Furnace Replacement

What Are Signs I Need a New Furnace?

March 7, 2022

A furnace is a major investment for any Fayetteville homeowner. Although it’s not something that will need to be done frequently, most people will face the decision of needing to purchase a new heating system sometime during home ownership.

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Need HVAC Service?

Contact the experts at Kinder Heating and Air.

Call us at (479) 765-1740!